Career Quest Begins: TalenTrail Transforms Lives at CNHS.

April 23, 2024

In a bid to ignite career aspirations among the youth, Talentrail launched its pioneering program at Canitoan National High School, welcoming 100 eager students to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and professional growth.

The event commenced with an inspiring opening message by Mr. Elsafan Nahak, a distinguished member of the Talentrail core team and a YSEALI Fellow hailing from Indonesia. His words resonated with promise and opportunity, setting the tone for the day's activities.

Ms. Herna Francis Mae B. Tano, Executive Director of Andam Higala Inc., took the stage to introduce the program, emphasizing its significance in guiding students towards fulfilling career paths. Her passion for youth empowerment was palpable as she laid out the objectives of Talentrail.

Stakeholders echoed their support through a solidarity message delivered by Hon. Jaime "Boo" Iman one of the Barangay Kagawad of Barangay Pagatpat and Mrs. Corazon Vios, Principal of CNHS, underscoring the collective commitment to nurturing the potential of every student.

The heart of the program unfolded through interactive workshops aimed at equipping students with invaluable insights. Ms. April Rosales, Director of USTP Career Center, led the first workshop on Career Path Exploration, enlightening students on various career trajectories and avenues for growth.

Following this, Ms. Angeli Pizarro-Monsanto facilitated a Design Thinking Session, focusing on empathy and definition. Through engaging activities, students were encouraged to empathize with societal needs and define innovative solutions, igniting their creative sparks.

As the day concluded, the hall buzzed with anticipation and newfound zeal. Talentrail had ignited a flame of ambition within each student, paving the way for a future brimming with possibilities.

Day 1 Highlights

Opening Message

Mr. Elsafan Nahak

Core Member, Talent Trail from Indonesia 

Program Introduction
Ms. Herna Tano

Executive Director, Andam Higala Inc. 

Solidarity Message

Hon. Jaime "Boo" Iman
Barangay Kagawad of Barangay Pagatpat

Solidarity Message

Mrs. Corazon Vios, 

Principal of Canitoan National High School

Career Path Exploration
Ms. April Marie Allexes Rosales
Director, USTP Career Center

Design Thinking Part 1

Ms. Angeli Pizarro-Monsanto
Design Thinking Expert