Beyond The 64 Squares: Why Women Should Watch The Queen’s Gambit Series

By: Maria Alexandrea Venilda P. Portillo

***Spoiler Alert: The succeeding parts might spoil you from your Queen G Marathon so better read at your own risk and enjoy.

         With every move she makes, a series of what ifs and heart pounding dilemma has been created to the minds and hearts of its audience.

  Even though you are not a chess fanatic, The Queen’s Gambit netflix series which based from the novel of Walter Tevis will surely make you awake until 3 am because of the adrenaline it brings with each episode. For non-chess player fans and to further understand the forte of Beth, according to Clair in 2020 on his article, the Queen Gambit move is defined as “.a move designed to secure control of the center of the board. It's one of the most common chess openings and involves white sacrificing (that's the "gambit" part) a queen-side pawn (the "queen" part)”. So much for the nitty-gritty of a queen gambit move, the said drama mini-series send underlying messages which makes it worth watching by every queens or women in our society. Here are the reasons why women should watch The Queen Gambit series.

#1 It promotes sisterhood beyond race- In the mini-series, the main protagonist Elizabeth “Beth” Harmon which was portrayed by Anya Taylor has found a sisterly relationship with Jolene who has been her constant companion even during her early years in the orphanage and even during her darkest moments. Although Jolene might be from a black race and Beth is white, the mini-series will tell you that true friendship cannot be measured by the skin type that you and your friend might have. It is important to take note that the Queen’s Gambit has been set on a period where racial descrimination is still evident among the Americans and bringing out the message of sisterhood beyond racial difference, is something worth emulating even at this modern era. Indeed, what Beth and Jolene has created is not only friendship but sisterhood as seen on Jolene’s message before departing to Beth. I’m here because you need me to be here. That’s what family does, that’s what we are.”

#2 The series will tell you how a woman should be for her fellow woman- In the series, aside from Jolene who has always been with Beth; several characters has also been supporting Beth through her ups and downs. For instance, Anette Packer offered Beth a sanitary pad when Beth needed it the most. While her stepmom has been her constant listener and supporter every time she is frustrated or when she wants to try something new. Who could also forget her mom, Alice Harmon who always gives her words of wisdom such as “It takes a strong woman to stay by herself, in a world where people will settle for anything, just to say they have something. So you never forget who you are.” Aside from which a lot of women played a vital role in molding the character of Beth Harmon, Indeed, these women are the examples of how women should be for their fellow women through thick and thin.

#3 Women could do things that men does and gender should not be a hindrance in reaching your dreams- At the first two episodes of the series, a gender issue particularly on gender discrimination has been the highlighted. Beth as a woman seems to be underestimated most especially that she wants to enter the world of chess which at that time was dominated by men. Although Beth has been mocked due to her persistence in reaching her goal, she proved the world that women just like her could also do the things which are dominated by men and gender is never a hindrance in reaching your dream. The answer of Beth Harmon on an interview with Ms. Jean Blake, as seen on episode 3 should be something that every woman should ponder:

Ms. Blake: So can you tell the readers of Life how it feels? I mean, to be a girl among all those men?

Beth Harmon: I don’t mind it.

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        Ending this review, The Queen’s Gambit is surely one of the Netflix series that you should not miss. It is also serves a powerful reminder that beyond the 64 boxes of a chess board and its moves, women and their prowess is something that must be proud of. Furthermore, never underestimate what women could do, cause you never knew that in the blink of an eye, they have created something which would make you surrender in a “The Classic Way”.

Keywords: Drama, Gender Issues, A queen gambit