3 Websites Recommended For Women

By: Maria Alexandrea Venilda P. Portillo

When we were tasked to curate blogs or websites of our choice, an idea pops on my mind. I have already been thinking that the blogs or websites that I’ll be selecting would be for women or it should be lifestyle-themed. Little did I knew that as I explore the themes along the way, I have been surprised with the contents of the websites or blog sites that I have chosen. The following are the notable feministic or lifestyle-themed blogs which is worthy of your click and visits:


Sugar coating has no place for this website. As they have written on their website description and as what you could observe on the topics of their blogs, the website is dedicated on discussing unseen issues of trans, non binary people and women in the society which could be sometimes be seen as a taboo such as issues surrounding sex workers. For people who have conservative views on the things around them, then be prepared on the contents of this site as it is natural and uncensored including on its blog covers. The website has also been kept in the national digital archive of the United States Library of Congress which makes it more amazing!  However, one noticeable feature of the website is the contrast of red and mint green color which could be unfriendly for the eyes. But overall, this website is recommendable for those who are seeking for fresh, strong, and uncensored views from its content creators.

Recommended contents: Money on the Table: A Stripper’s Code of Ethics, I Know God Still Loves Me (Even If I Have Sex), Unlearning My Childhood Sexual Shame


If you are opting for a website that advocates for overall health and wellness of women, then blood and milk website is surely for you! The contents of this website are generated from reliable individuals such as journalist, medical professionals, and experts in the industry which will guarantee the quality of the contents. What's interesting about this website also is the separate section that they have dedicated for menstruation and how to help women who could be experiencing difficulties during their monthly cycle. The simplicity and elegance of the website through the use of proper color palettes and schemes is also something that is worthy to be applauded! For women who wants to explore things related to their health and wellness, then blood and milk website is your good-to-go website!

Recommended contents: Everything You Should Know About Ovarian Cancer, Top 5 Period Cramp Relief Remedies, The Science Behind Loneliness



Whenever you are feeling lost or you plainly want to feed your mind with new information, try to visit these websites and experience the different stories of women across the globe. As they always say, "Learning is a lifelong process" surely, these websites would enrich your mind to a world where there are still things that are waiting to be discovered. Grow and be empowered by the nugget of thoughts given by these pro-women websites.